Landscape Heritage SA

LHSA Featured Photographers

Those who familiar with our very active Facebook Group will probably recognise some of these photographers whose work we regularly share. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so an excellent photograph must be priceless. Here are some of our historical and contemporary favourite photographers. Please support them.

Jan and Martin Greshoff

Martin regularly shares historical photographs and postcards of Cape Town and environs with us on Facebook. Many of these are by his uncle, the late Jan Greshoff. Jan Greshoff is most famous for his evocative photographs of District 6 that was, before it was demolished under Apartheid. Martin now lives in London working with special needs people and is a part-time furniture maker.

See the LHSA Library for more information on Martin's book "District Six: Memories, Thoughts and Images".

Angus Burns

Angus Burns practices professional photography out of Newcastle KZN. He regularly features superb atmospheric weather and night photography and is also a specialist astrophotographer. Angus regularly shares amazing photographs of deep space using his Celestron telescope and other amazing equipment you can read about on his website.

For more information see:

Kyle Goetsch

Kyle Goetsch is a Cape Town based professional photographer specialising in landscape photography. He also offers workshops and photographic tours, working one-on-one with aspiring students. His outstanding work includes a wide range of landscapes as well as night photography and astrophotography out at the Cederberg. He photographs landscapes widely in the region including South Africa and Namibia.

For more information see:


Kyle Goetsch

A superb nightscape from Sossusvlei in Namibia featuring Kyle's amazing astrophotography over this unique desert landscape.