Landscape Heritage SA

The LHSA Forum

Gathering Voices

The world of Landscape Heritage is a vast and diverse domain with a wide variety of role players, activists, I&APs, authorities, NGOs, NPOs, cultural groups, conservation bodies, and many more. Yet so many voices are often lost in the noise or lone voices crying in the wilderness. The gap between the planning process and public participation seems to grow ever wider.

LHSA seeks to act as a forum for the disparate voices concerned with Landscape Heritage. It also hopes to work together with these diverse organisations to bring a consistent voice to matters of Landscape Heritage that are often overlooked or squeezed out by entrenched interests and established concerns.
By having many knowledgeable and concerned individuals and organisations under one roof, information about landscape heritage can, hopefully, be easily accessed as the LHSA Forum becomes a go-to place for networking at short-notice.
Very often, people are looking for help, support and information about the Landscape but just don't know where to look, who is out there, and what resources are at their disposal, when tackling the difficult issues of Landscape Heritage management and conservation, or situations that arise that need urgent attention. The LHSA Forum will be that place.
LHSA is already networking with a number of organisations but hopes to build the number of role players who we will be presenting here.