Landscape Heritage SA

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FB Contributors

Those who familiar with our very active Facebook Group will probably recognise some of these Contributors whose posts we regularly share. The historical postcards and photographs they provide so freely have made the love and memory of historical photographs so invaluable. Please support them. Should you wish to contribute to the compilation of any works related to Landscape Heritage please contact us.

Martin Greshoff

Martin regularly shares historical photographs and postcards of Cape Town and environs with us on Facebook. Many of these are by his uncle, Jan. Jan Greshoff is most famous for his evocative photographs of District 6 that was, before being demolished under Apartheid. Martin lives in London and works with people with mental health issues. He is also a part-time furniture maker.

See our LHSA Library page for more information.

Cape of Diab

This amazing FB group is curated by Michael Fortune and Mark Finnigan. They are partly responsible for our massive Cape Town base in our own FB Group. Michael has shared numerous historical Cape postcards with us, while Mark specialises in the Eastern Cape. Together they have a formidable collection of historical Cape postcards. Their old postcards of historical parks and gardens are particularly invaluable. We hope to use them on The Landscape Map in due course.

For more information see:

Erika Janse

Erika Janse is a valued member and contributor to our growing FB Group with her fascinating posts on aspects of South African History and Heritage, done being particularly landscape oriented such as her recent post on the Herb Garden Revival at Grahamstown Observatory. Erika days, "I like to research history and our heritage ... it helps me to develop an understanding of the past through the examination and interpretation of evidence..."

For more information see: Facebook/Landscape History and Heritage of Southern Africa